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Phenotype modification

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Phenotype modification is the process of experimentally altering an organism's phenotype to investigate the impact of phenotype on the fitness.[1]

Phenotype modification has been used to assess the impact of parasite mechanical presence on fish host behaviour.[2]


  1. ^ Encyclopedia of evolutionary biology. 14 April 2016. ISBN 978-0-12-800426-5.
  2. ^ Grécias, Lucie; Valentin, Julie; Aubin-Horth, Nadia (15 March 2018). "Testing the parasite mass burden effect on alteration of host behaviour in the Schistocephalus-stickleback system" (PDF). The Journal of Experimental Biology. 221 (6): jeb174748. doi:10.1242/jeb.174748. PMID 29444843.